
beavers logoBeavers or Beaver Scouts is a section for 6 to 8 year olds and provides a fun and balanced award scheme centered around the Beaver Scout motto which is ‘Fun & Friends’. This section provides it’s young people with an insight of the Scout Association and of whats to come in the older sections.

The Beaver colony meets on Wednesday evenings between 5.15 and 6:30 p.m.

Beavers are encouraged to work together and also to think for themselves. These skills are developed through integration in playing games, singing lots of songs, creative activities, and going on adventures and outings away from the Hall.

During the warmer months of the year, lots of activities are held outside and include team and relay games. Much effort is put in to keep the atmosphere as friendly as possible although a strong code of conduct is imposed to which everyone is expected to adhere.

There are several activity and challenge badges available to Beavers, badge-work forms a key part of the programme, getting along together, learning and having lots of fun are equally as important.

As a new member we will normally give you a couple of weeks to settle in although you will be expected to pay for any extra activities such as swimming. Hopefully you will want to continue at which point you will need to pay your joining fee, start paying subs and get a uniform. At this point we also provide a Beaver Section welcome pack that provides further information on Beavers and 21st Medway, and of course as always if you have other questions any of our leaders we do our best to answer them for you.

Our Beaver Colony is presided over by our Beaver Leader ‘Sherbert’ and Assistant Leader’s ‘Lolly’,’Marshmallow’ & ‘Cup Cake’ we’re always on the lookout for more Beavers to join our colony for more information on Beaver Scouts check out the official section info page here.

Contact Us

Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet on Wednesday evenings during school term time in St. Luke’s Church Hall, City Way, Rochester: Google Map

You can find further information, times and contact details on our leaflets:

  • Beavers (for boys and girls aged 5¾ – 8)
  • Cubs (for boys and girls aged 8 – 10½)
  • Scouts (for boys and girls aged 10½ – 14)

Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts do occasionally meet away from the hall. Feel free to give ‘Sherbet’, ‘Akela’ or Sammy a ring to check we’ll be at the hall, or if you have further questions about joining.

If we’re too far away for you, please enter your postcode here to find your nearest Scout Group: